
scw_logo_outlineWho am I? I’m glad you asked.

Like all self-respecting superheroes and heroines, I have an alter-ego. By day I’m a mother of two, a devoted wife to a wonderful guy, a journalist and fiction writer who also enjoys creating art and making elaborate birthday cakes. I’m a British expatriate who has lived in New York City for much of my adult life, and became an American citizen along the way. Mild-mannered but persevering, I enjoy traveling and like to think of myself as open-minded and a good friend.

In August 2015, my life was turned upside-down when I got a diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer. Since I’ve never smoked and have always been health-conscious, this came as a shock, to say the least. Suddenly, I was dealing with challenges that ranged from choosing the right oncologist to coping with bouts of howling distress. In a word, it was tough. But having always been a can-do person, I soon got busy finding out how to fight the cancer scourge on different fronts. Thus, SuperCancerWoman was born.

Coleman_headshotOn this site, I hope to provide useful information, tips and inspiration to people living with cancer and others affected by it. Along with telling my story, I will dive into medical advances on cancer and attempt to demystify complementary treatments and nutritional recommendations. At some point I will add a shop with SuperCancerWoman logo gear, proceeds from which will go toward cancer research. Finally, because laughter is one of the best therapies known to humankind, I will provide links to funny stuff too. (Please submit your own links in the Comments section–there’s no such thing as too much laughter.)

Wishing you superhuman courage and strength,
